Author - T. PADMA, K.P.C. RAO
Code - 8183950620
Binding - Paper Pack
Page No - 280
Edition - 2021 /RP
Price - INR
360.00 300.00
The “Code of Civil Procedure” is an adjective law or procedural law. It neither creates nor takes away any right. It is intended to regulate the procedure to be followed by Civil Courts. It prescribes the practice, procedure and machinery for the enforcement of rights and liabilities. The CPC was amended by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1999 and once again by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2002. Both these amendments came into force on 1st July, 2002.
The ‘law of limitation’ is evolved from the time-honored maxim ‘Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium’ which means where there is right there is a remedy. This in fact has a salutary foundation of Rule of Law, since there must be certainty, definiteness and finality in respect of any rights and obligations. The object of ‘The Limitation Act’ is to put an end to the litigation in the interest of the State and making the necessary balance between the interests of the holder of a right and its corresponding obligor who has a duty to fulfill it.
This book provides a short cut to the students of the 5 year law degree course to enable them to get a broad understanding of the topics that would be covered under the revised syllabus with effect from the academic year 2011-2012. Though every effort has taken to incorporate the developments / amendments on the subject, it may happen that some developments might have taken place subsequent to release of the book for publication. Hence, the readers are therefore advised to study recent amendments / case laws.
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