The concept of Administrative Law, now a days, has assumed great importance and witnessed remarkable advances in recent times. It is a branch of law which is being increasingly developed to control abuse or misuse of Governmental power and keep the executives and its various instrumentalities and agencies within the limits of their power. The rule of law which runs like a golden thread, through every provision of the Constitution and indisputably constitutes one of its basic features requires that every organ of the State must act within the powers conferred upon it by the Constitution and the law. Hence, ‘Administrative Law’ is that branch of law which seeks to ensure observance of the rule of law.
In a welfare State, the State performs important functions as a Provider, Entrepreneur and Economic Controller, and the objective of the rule of law should be to see that these multifarious and diverse encounters are fair, just and free from arbitrariness. Therefore, it is important to structure and restrict the power of the executive government so as to prevent it’s arbitrary application or exercise.
This book provides a short cut to the students of the 5 year law degree course to enable them to get a broad understanding of the topics that would be covered under the revised syllabus with effect from the academic year 2011-2012. Though every effort has been taken to incorporate the developments / amendments on the subject, it may happen that some developments might have taken place subsequent to release of the book for publication. Hence, the readers are therefore advised to study recent amendments / case laws